Father Most Holy-SAB
By Gryk, Benjamin
Illustrator Three Part Choir
This three-part setting is intended for parishes with smaller choirs. It is less difficult than the full, four-part setting. Even in this arrangement, Father, Most Holy would be challenging for many parish choirs. As in the four-part edition, organ accompaniment is provided in place in this octavo. The brass settings in the four-part setting, however, are omitted.
In accord with the liturgical renewal, in harmony with the Constitution on the Liturgy, and in continuity with our ancient tradition, the text of Father, Most Holy is directed to God the Father, giving him praise and glory.
The original, Polish text was a song in honor of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament; such a text would be less appropriate for the liturgy, as we have come to understand it in the past one hundred years.
As is now widely understood, by and large, the liturgy is not directed to Christ; it is, rather, the prayer of Christ, head and members, the prayer of his body, the Church. Especially in the Eucharist, we pray to the Father through Christ. That biblical and patristic orientation is still well represented in the Roman Catholic Mass, in which all the Eucharistic Prayers are directed to the Father through Christ: "through him, with him, and in him," all glory and honor is given to God the Father, forever and ever.
Publisher Comments
Here is the full English text used for this arrangement:
1. Father, most holy, your saints address you;
Your people praise you; your angels bless you.
Refrain. Yours is the Kingdom, great power, great glory.
Lord God, our Father, now and forever.
2. Your stars are shining, in celebration.
You made the heavens, the whole creation. Refrain.
3. You lead; we follow; your flock will hear you.
See, Satan trembles; our foes will fear you. Refrain.
4. We shall be loyal and not betray you.
We pledge our promise: We shall obey you. Refrain.
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